feelings have emotions or emotions have feelings?
True in its essence, morning sunlight beckons me to acknowledge the already concurred presence of its being. Still spinning in my head, i nod-smile; half at the remnants of the last night's melody and at the beginning of its not so better half. I imagine what it feels to unbelong, not migrating every season, unracing the life and just stepping back to admire rather than gasping the last breath trying to fit in the jigsaw called life. The good part of having some time to kill is exactly that. The whole experience of finally having the time you had been following on that chequered calendar, is this, that when it comes, it's like coming face to face with the most beautiful girl and not knowing what to say and where to start. However, ive been told that during my turn, god had put me on "introspective" mode and taken a smoke break! Hence I have this tendency of slipping in and out of phases of extreme exuberance and gothic melancholy. However, I shall try to dress up the scheme of things (of which i have none), in the best linen available in town.