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get quiet, a little more, more we can talk

Monday, June 12, 2006

This one's to all the great teachers

All of us at some point of time in our life, might have had come across people in our life who are good raconteur's. But then there's people who would repeat the same stories over and over again with the same finesse, same sincerity. I always used to get bored to death in front of such people, but only till the time I was unaware of the bigger meaning. A friend of mine told me that this particular trait of repeating a point, is usually seen in TEACHERS.

There are two kinds of teachers, one by profession and the other by nature. I have come across veterans in my life who have been the best teachers in my life because the kind of lessons they taught me about life are going to stay with me and will be the guiding light in my life. Now, what’s the point of narrating the same thing the same story with the same moral a zillion times!

Do you know a basic concept of human mind? Let me give you three words:
1) Shabd (word)
2) Arth (meaning)
3) Gyan (knowledge)

Now the first time I hear a sentence I (human mind) comprehend the words. Simultaneously, I decipher the words and the words with their respective sense give that sentence or that narration a coherence. All my life I just went till step two, i.e. shabd (word) and arth (meaning). The irony is, without gyan the two become too mechanical and will seem repetitive. Let me quote an example, one of my teachers used to say” I always wanted the latest sneakers till the time I saw a man without feet". Now after being said so many times over a period of years we used to get bored out of the same old clichéd statement. Then after a couple of years, when I had just joined my new job, I used to crib about my job, ambience, salary, colleagues. I was just not happy. Then one day I met a friend of mine who has been a very smart chap, very good in academics and etc. Because of some goof up in his life this guy was now on street. Suddenly the words" "I always wanted the latest sneakers till the time I saw a man without feet" started sounding like a buggle in my head and it made sense to me in a way it never had. Now I had got the gyan of these words and I say these words often in my head when life confronts me with similar situations. I didn’t know how many people would agree with me, but for me shabd and arth are complete only when you get the gyan in them. Now whenever I am sitting with an oldie prof/teacher or uncle and they tell me some anecdotes which probably I know by heart, I still smile and the smile comes from inside as now I have the gyan and have had probably used that gyan as a rope to pull myself up from the dark valleys of dilemma.


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