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get quiet, a little more, more we can talk

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Balancing Act

Twas a lazy day. Been too much pre-occupied with thinking, what are the new set of things that I can do, which will keep me occupied in a constructive way. Have come up with a rough itinerary so far! The only thing that puts you off is people who have a closed mindset and will just not experiment. As they say change is always seen in a very nihilistic way by people who would be affected by that change. But i guess even if you want to be constant or remain the same, still you would have to change so as to keep pace in a relative sense with the ever changing world, otherwise you would be a vegetable. I have also observed that people always move in a "tidal" way all their lives. At least this applies to me. All the times in my life, when I felt too straitjacketed, it was an indication of a phase, a liberation phase that would be around the corner. On introspection, it simply meant that my actions have been to conservative for quite a while and I was not performing the ideal way. And whenever everything in my life seemed too perfect, it was a sign that either I had become too casual or was on a wrong path. And it was a beacon for testing times that would and sure did come. That is, I was too overwhelmed with the imminent scenario and was going out of control. Simply put I was driving a vehicle with my legs sprawled on the steering!!!! I believe life has a testing and a repairing mechanism, which is basically meant to keep us lesser mortals humble. Except for a few, most of us get carried away by the situations which are unfolding around us and we get too overwhelmed by them. This makes us callous and the callous nature in turn is balanced by a situation, which balances our past set of actions, by demanding from us a more balanced set of actions. Imagine if everything was hunky-dorey in your life. All the actions were right. You were at the right placed at the right time and you slept a happy man. May be if you sit back and envisage your life when you are old, then maybe you would concur with the above theme. But again this is an overall picture and to get this balancing act there were so many inherent corrective measures that you took or were forced to take. No one can carry on without faltering and that’s the best part about life. You Goof Up. Every one does. The only example I can think off is a “tight-rope walk”. We are all walking the tightrope of life and if after taking two, three, four, six balanced strides we get callous we will fall. If we are too shit scared, then also we will fall. The trick is to be calm and focused. A couple of balanced steps should not overwhelm you and the tightrope it itself should also not overwhelm you to such an extent that you are freezed. And what does luck do? Its like a gush of wind coming from right when you are too stooped towards left on that “tight-rope”, and similarly it may be a gush of wind coming from left when you are too stooped towards right. That is life gives us a balancing act. It is up to us to realize and see the signs and get back on track. I don’t know if was able to put it across in a succinct way. But then again I may be forgiven for my ramblings, as they are just the ponderings of a perpetually perplexed mind.


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